Options Bytown Non-Profit Org. "Annual Food & Gift Drive"2024/25

Options Bytown Non-Profit Housing Org. is having their "Fall and Winter Food and Gift Drive 2024/25"which has now started and need your help!Comme de raison,nous avons besoins de votre aides et cela serait tres apprecier!We are "Bilingual";oui nous sommes "Bilingue"!The demand is a bit higher this year,just like everywhere else:"Things are Tough all Over" as Cheech and Chong would say.We are having our "Annual Thanksgiving Dinner" on October 10th/24 and help with "Turkeys,Potatoes,Veggies,Gravy,Drinks,etc.would be greatly appreciated!Here is a list of several items that is badly needed for the upcoming Winter Season and Christmas time,of course:Gift Card/Cartes Cadeaux(Metro,Loblaws,Giant Tiger);Fruits and Veggies,Legumes et Fruits;Clothing Items:Male/Female(socks,gloves,tuques,Long Johns,etc.)/Linges d'Hiver:Hommes/Femmes(tuques,gants,des bas,combines,etc.)"PET" Necessities(Dog & Cat Food/Manger pour Chiens et Chats;Cat Litter/Litiere Pour Chat,etc.)The season starts Oct.1st/24 until end of March/25!These are just some of the stuff we need and your help couldn't be more grateful!If you are interested in helping us out and would like to contact us,"Please Do" and we'll be glad to talk with you.(613)241-6363 Ext.225 or Ext.245 and if no answer,don't "Run Away",leave us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.Veuillez tout simplement nous contacter au numero mentionner et si y'as pas de responses,laissez nous un message et nous vous rejoindrons aussitot que possible.Thank You/Merci Beaucoup!

   October 6, 2024
   Other Hobbies
   380 Cumberland st.